
Ingenieurbüro Robert Hornickel Fleischereitechnik
Am Bahnhof 6
98574 Schmalkalden
OT Wernshausen

Telefon: +49 (3 68 48) 8 24 00
Fax: +49 (3 68 48) 3 08 46
Mobil: +49 (1 70) 4 47 96 76
E-Mail: hornickel@hornickel.com



  Unser Unternehmen ist mit seinen Produkten im UN-Hilfsprogramm gelistet.
Our company's products are enlisted within the UN aid program.
  Company Presentation
- A Company for Plant Engineering and the Construction of Slaughter and Meat Processing Works -
We are a company from Germany with more than 25 years experience in this sector.
Our Company was founded in 1991 as a one-man enterprise and was converted to a private limited company [stock corporation, US] and entered into the Register of Companies in March 1994.
We acquired our newly built company property and the present-day company headquarters in 1998. There is a good connection to the autobahn.
Our company is occupied in the planning and execution of slaughter and meat processing works and plant engineering.

- Abattoir for
* Cattle 2-5 / hour
* Pigs 20 / hour
* Sheep 50-100 / hour
* Poultry (120 /hour)
* Game
- Processing capacity and technology for 300 pigs and 30 cattle per week
- A complete range with packaging, canning and uncooked sausage manufacture

We integrate specialist companies as sub-contractors into the projects for certain areas of work such as refrigerating, electrical operations, sanitary facilities, etc.
Employees: 2 managers, 7 employees and 2 apprentices

Annual turnover: approx. 480,000 EURO

Our Range for Joint Business Relationships:
- Abattoir for Cattle and Horses (and Pigs) - patented -
  Stationary or movable
Operational capacity: 2-5 cattle per hour
Can be modified for butchering pigs
Operational capacity: 10-12 pigs per hour
Stunning Plant - patented -
Stationary, for electro-stunning, or mobile
- Poultry Abattoir in the Trailer
Butchering of hens, chickens and water-birds
Operational capacity: 120 chickens per hour
- Abattoir for Sheep
Operational capacity: up to 100 sheep / hour
- Modular Sausage Factory in the ISO Norm Container System, 3-Piece Set
Operational capacity: 20 pigs and 2 cattle or horses per week
Complete range
can be extended at the grid
Use of ocean-going containers in ectra large height
  contact us here      


  Sie können sich hier die gewünschten Informationen in englischer Sprache als PDF downloaden:
You can download the desired information from the PDFs in English language here:



  Brochure MODULAR SAUSAGE FACTORY PDF (Size: 1404,373 Kb)
  Info´s MODULAR SAUSAGE FACTORY PDF (Size: 72,549 Kb)

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